Monday, November 28, 2011

Google on the rise

This week, Brandweek claimed that Google was coming out with a new invention to help consumers stay in touch with their friends and to make surfing the web easier. Google is soon going to become more permanent in your minds through a different medium. Samsung is going to be signing a contract with google that allows them to have their own smart TV. This tv will allow consumers to stay connected with other people while offering them a tv from a brand they trust.

By the creation, google is building their customer database and creating another way consumers can establish trust with their company. Since google is used by many individuals everyday, they gain customer trust through their search engine. The tv will be an additional way they will stand out from other search engines because no other search engines have created a smart TV to go along with their search engine.

This integration will help google stand out in the consumers minds through other companies selling TVs and by the use of other search engines. Based on how well this tv does, google will achieve their mission, which is to become more popular in the consumers minds.


  1. Google has tried to stand out and has succeeded in several ways. They are good to their employees with great benefits and were named by CNN as the 4th greatest place to work in 2010. They change their logo daily which had been unheard of until this company came along. They have a very popular search engine and are creating new aspects to their company such as Google+ and Gmail. Now with this television it seems like Google is trying to add to their image.

    Google knows how to be different. They seem to have new and innovative workers who aren’t afraid to take a risk. This seems like a very risky idea to me because televisions are so different than anything they have ever done prior, but that is not going to stop them. This is a good way to build up their image even more and get their name out as well. Google knows how to market and market well. They are a great company to learn from.

  2. It seems everything Google does is a hit and I believe this will be no exception. Google is very innovative and other search engines follow what Google does. The only problem I have with Google is that they may spread themselves too thin.

    Google is known for being a search engine and if they keep trying to pursue other avenues the quality of the search engine could go down. Companies like Bing and Yahoo may gain ground if Google tries to become all things to all people.

  3. This is an interesting move by Google. It seems like it may be a response to the Apple TV but I feel like it's taken one step further. Google already has brand loyal customers and this new smart TV will only reenforce those opinions. It's a new channel to get toward the target market. This is one thing that might be hard for other companies to compete with and is a very smart marketing move on Google's part.

  4. I really commend Google for being innovative and competitive with multiple markets, and I agree with Erin that this is a smart marketing move. Although I think this is a smart marketing approach and not a huge endeavor by Google, I do think, like Tyler said, that they are going to end up spreading themselves too thin. We have already seen multiple things fall that Google has tried to make happen such as google wave and buzz. I am sure there are going to be more that they will have to drop as well. Luckily Google is such a powerhouse that, right now, they are okay.

  5. Google is a company that no one should question, they have so much power and research any of their ideas have been well thought out. The problem I have with this product is that it will be relying on a population whose economy is still in the gutter and may not be willing to splurge on new TVs that will have jacked up prices for something with the word Google on it. The idea is a great one, but the outside variables could lead this product to failure.
